Design Engineer - Benchmark Vehicles (1 yr. + 9mo.)
- Lead designer in new role establishing internal CNC operation
- Set standards for CAD/CAM and transitioned manual tasks to CNC
- Create cloud based catalog of parts for entire van interior build out
Freelance Designer - Vanlife Northwest (1 yr. + 6mo.)
- Design, develop and prototype "Space Cabin" around repeated production
- Located and secure local manufacturers to produce camper components
- Design and develop additional metal components (Pluto Roof Racks)
PBspoon (Aug. 2017)
- Design, develop, prototype original product
- Legal, crowdfunding, marketing, international manufacturing
- 75,000 units sold, Collaboration with JIF
Herb's Furniture Co. (6 yr. )
- Design and manufacture handmade flat-packed furniture
- Manage all aspects of running own shop and business growth
- Featured on Etsy, Architectural Digest, won X-Carve for manufacturing
Freelance Designer - Stanley Black and Decker (1 yr. + 10 mo.)